Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a Great Adventure

This trip has been really great...but it was not lacking for trouble and hurdles.

It started when we were pulled over well into Mexico for ¨speeding¨ just like everyone else. It did not take very long for us to realize that these police officers were not honest and that they were just looking to make a buck. We could fight it if we wanted to spend the night and have an appt with the judge the next day....ugh! At one point the officer said he wanted just me to go with him down to the station...that was not happening. In the end all we lost was some time and some money. Not too big of a deal.

We had a flat on a trailer, replaced two tires on a rental the end no big deal.

We started our projects on Monday with a lot of excitement and energy, but quickly hit some pretty unigue bumps in the road. There was a visit from the Mexico health department warning the village about the flu. The health officer informed us that we could not hold our VBS, that the locals could not work with us on the building, and that the dentist could continue, but only one family at a time. We were actually pretty impressed witht the actions that the Mexican government took, but pretty disappointed.

Simultaneously, the local religious leaders were reacting to our being there. He blasted propaganda from a loud speaker warning the people that we would teach them not to worship idols...well that is true! He demanded that we leave the village and not continue our work. It was pretty intense and very confusing.

But, the real story is...that God won the day! The people of the village wanted us to stay! This was a huge victory for the work that God is doing in this beautiful village among these beautiful people.

In the end this was a HUGE deal!

Between the flats, the flu, the police, and a very corrupt religious leader this week was an adventure, but none of it compared to the adventure of watching God work! None of it.

I hope you will consider joining us on this adventure next wont regret it.

This is really just the Cliff´s Notes version...ask someone that went, there are some great stories. [OR join us for the Mexico Party, Friday, May 15]

***Please pray for us in the morning. We will be leaving the hotel at 7am and driving all day back to Lake Jackson. Pray for safe travel and an easy transition through the border.

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